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Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

Diamond Story is committed to the protection of your personal information. The integrity and privacy of our customer details are maintained and upheld at all times and not sold to any other organization for any reason. That is why we have prepared this document to ensure you are aware of your rights and our commitment to your privacy. They are in accord with the National Privacy Principles (“NPP’s”) set out in Schedule 3 of the Privacy Act 1988. These are the rules that apply to many private sector organizations including us that regulate the way in which we deal with your personal information.In this Policy the words “we”, “our” or “us” means Diamond Story Pty Ltd (ABN 92122108413).

2. Collection of personal information

  1. The type of personal information we collect includes:
    1. Your name and address
    2. Your telephone numbers
    3. Your email address
    4. Your computer IP address from our website